can change your whole life, if you let it.
“Life is short. We can live it lost in our own thoughts, or we can choose to be present, moment to moment, watching as life unfolds around us. ”
i never truly recognized the power of just being aware. being aware of how you are feeling in your body, speaking your thoughts out loud, recognizing what sensations you feel and where, and admitting the negative self talk.
being aware has helped me identify that anxiousness & excitement feels eerily similar in my body, made me realize i always logically know how i should feel but don’t actually know how i feel, given me permission to be okay with whatever i am struggling with, and allowed me space to breathe and know that some things will take time to heal
just being aware, speaking my thoughts, and admitting my struggles has made life just a little easier.
our relationship secret; how we make it work.
we create safeness.
safeness the centre of it all, without feeling safe none of the others ‘secrets’ can truly survive. and all the ‘secrets’ need one another.
creating safeness; makes us feel comfortqable enough to openly communicate and gives us the ability to be honest with each other which then builds trust.
creating safeness; makes it easier for us to understand, empathize, appreciate and consider each other.
my third counselling session has left me feeling a bit brain dead; absolutely exhausted. and to be honest all around anxious. we did our first eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) session. EMDR is an interactive psychotherapy technique used to relieve psychological stress.
EMDR is hard and i know this has to get worse before it can get better.
to love someone so much, to have no control.
today, i had one of the most therapeutic yoga practices of my life. i learned that the fear of being out of control is what is crippling me. especially when that thing that is out of my control will never be in my control.
today, i began to heal.
this question is everywhere these days.
normally the rebellion in me would be screaming at me to go against the grain; to be different, to do the opposite of what everyone is talking about BUT i have also learned the importance to stop fighting with myself and just be.
if this is what i need my daily intention to be, then that is what it will be.
what sparks joy for me? when there are absolutely no conditions attached.
my whole life, i have put myself under constant pressure.
pressure to be whatever i needed me to be or what others needed me to be.
there is nothing more freeing than speaking all the things you have gone through and realizing that you deserve a break, that you deserve to live without all this pressure. and more importantly that you are lucky enough to be able to live a life without all this pressure.
i think i have always had pretty good self awareness but i have to admit when i recently heard Jenna Kutcher’s podcast “No One Ever Told You This About Your Period” with Claire Baker i was MIND BLOWN, so mind blown that it INSPIRED me to share my story, what i learned about the menstrual cycle and how to use it to live your best life.
in today’s world, we are more connected than ever and it can be overwhelming and hard to keep to up with everything. there are way too many ways for people to get a hold of us and it is not uncommon that people miss messages and don’t reply.
take what you need but here are my best practices on how I manage my email inboxes, how i make sure i get back to people in a timely manner and I utilize my email inbox in an efficient & productive way.
find perspective - open your mind to new ideas and concepts.
the talks, books and videos that changed my mindset forever.
i have been extremely hard on myself lately; judging myself, feeling a shit ton of shame, focusing on only the negative, and letting myself feel guilty.
it has been a never-ending feedback loop of me trying to figure out who i am in the midst of all these life changes, me thinking that i had it all figured out, only to realize that i have no clue…