Wannabe Runner
half marathon
let's run 21.9 km?
My journey to achieving and completing a item off my bucket list. Half Marathon - CHECK!
Running a half marathon was a 2011 New Years Goal for me, I wanted to do it because I was tired of feeling down and letting the discomfort and pain in my right knee affect my life.
Prior to January 2011 - I couldn't run for more than 30 minutes. I completed a few outdoor runs with university friends but was always a struggle, cardiovascular-wise and on my knee.
January 2011 - I was committed, determined and motivated to make this resolution into a reality. Kelly and I started meeting up almost every morning at the oval to run on the treadmill. I purchased new gear for running outdoor and some good runners. I worked my way up to being able to run 10 kilometres in about 1 hour and 10 minutes with manageable pain.
February 2011 - It started to get nice out but rather chilly still, I figured that if I wanted to run a half marathon that not only do I have to be able to run I will have to be able to run outside!
Day ONE with a co-worker, we ran along the dyke - if I remember correctly we did about 8 kilometres in 45 minutes.
Day TWO (the next day) with Kelly, we ran along the dyke and then some about 12 kilometres in just over an hour. I had to keep up with Kelly so I ran a lot faster than I normally did. Maybe it was the two days in a row, maybe it was because I was running faster than I was ready for, maybe it was the cold weather, maybe it was not warming up first but the pain in my knee was at the all time worse.
For the rest of 2011, I started slowly to build up my ability to run with as little discomfort as possible. I hadn't given up on my goal of completing a half marathon but I knew I had to train safety and properly for it.
November/ December 2011- I started with my trainer at Goodlife, we set a goal to do the Half Marathon on May 6th 2012. I was put on a running training program on the days I didn't see my trainer. To be honest, I definitely did not run or follow it as much as I probably should have.
February 2012 - Signed up for the Goodlife Half Marathon on Sunday May 6th 2012.
A few outdoor runs with Kelly on the weekends, a few 45minute runs on the treadmill, and a handful of interval runs on the treadmill. I completed ONE longish distance run on the treadmill, 6 miles in 60 minutes in March.
Even though I wasn't running as much as I should have been I felt good, my back and my knee pain were no longer a daily annoyance. I set a goal for myself 21.9 km in under 2 hours, I had no idea if that was even possible as I had not run enough to know my pace.
Monday April 16th 2012 - My back seized on me doing a clean and press due to improper form. I was able to recover quickly, only a night of intolerable pain where I spent the night lying on the hardwood floor watching Greys Anatomy and a movie with Kelly. The next couple days were tough at work but was manageable. The back recovered quickly but the pain and discomfort was ALL in my right knee.
Next 3 weeks were only rehabilitation exercises and attempts at running. I was unable to jog/run without any discomfort and pain in my knee. All my friends had to witness me at one of my lowest points in a long time, I was very bummed as I felt that all I have been working for seemed to have been thrown out the window. Thank you to anyone who had to listen to me moan and groan and especially big thanks to the ones who believed in me.
A avid half marathon runner asked me what my strategy and plan was. I was dumb founded and said " i was just planning on running it". What kind of plan should I have... He replied "Well what kind of gels you doing, when are you planning on taking the gels. If you take gels you should try it before hand just in case because you don't want to have to go to the washroom in the middle of the race"
Totally freaked me out... haha I hadn't even thought about if I was going to drink water during the run...
Sunday April 29th 2012 - Attempted an outdoor run, one week before the half marathon. - fail.
Friday May 4th 2012 - Outdoor, Hill and pace training with my trainer. Didn't feel great but wasn't as bad. Maybe not so screwed after all ? There is still hope. I knew I would finish the half marathon but will I be able to complete in the goal I had set 21.9 km in under 2 hours?
- 500 meters at 60% intensity in 3mins and 20secs
- 500 meters at 80% intensity in 2mins and 19secs
It was possible...
Saturday May 5th 2012 - Last bit of preparation. Getting stretched/massaged, spider-tech tape and planning out a strategy for the route.
Taped and ready to go!
- Kilometer 1 to 3 - 60%
- Kilometer 3 to 4 - 80% (Hill)
- Kilometer 5 to 12 - 60% (80% on any Hills)
- Kilometer 13 - 17 - 80%
- Kilometer 18 to finish - Give it my all.
Sunday May 6th 2012 - Rise and Shine at 5:45am, Breakie with Kelly, departure at 6:45am to catch the shuttle. After a steamy aka hot ride in a yellow school bus we make it to the start line. Washroom lines are ridiculous but we luckily arrived with just enough time.
Kelly had just about as much or as little training as me, so when we approached the start line we decided to stand with the 1 hour 40 min marker as we didn't feel like being in the very back and in a huge swell of people. We felt super out of place as everyone in this crowd looked like serious half marathoners.
Race started 8:30am, off we went. Kelly and I parted ways as she is a much quicker runner than I. The first 20 minutes I felt like I was never going to make it. My thought process SERIOUS.. Another 1 hour and 40 minutes of running IF i am able to do it in 2 hours... what did I get myself into... oh well fuck it.. I am here now... LETS goooo.
I tried to keep pace with a few people but I kept getting very bummed when I saw all these people pass me. The hill was tough at the end but was totally doable, it definitely gave me motivation when I passed the people that passed me on the hill.
After the hill, I knew if I made it to 11 kilometres in about 1 hour I was totally on pace and was 100% able to achieve my goal.
10 kilometres 52 minutes if I remember correctly. I had 8 minutes to run 1 kilometre and I knew that would set the tone of the rest of my run. I did it and knew it was totally possibly to complete this in under 2 hours if I kept the same pace for the next hour.
My thought process during the rest of the race..
- don't give up..
- should i walk for a second..
- nope you can't walk for a second...
- just keep running...
- do you want to have to do this again if you don't make it under 2 hours.
- how do you think you will feel if you fail....
- don't be a failure...
- there is no way you are going to give up..
- you can totally do this just keep running.
- but my sides are cramping and my lungs hurt..
- why did i sign up for this ?....
- why do I do this to myself...
- i could just walk for a second...
- i should have put on sunscreen...
- my face is going to explode.
- only x amount of time left you can do it...
- if i don't finish i will lose my trainer (my trainer told me " if you don't finish in under 2 hours.. i won't train you anymore.. )
- if that old lady is running ahead of you..
- you can most definitely keep running and finish.
- oh a hill... eat my dust people...
- at every marker i counted down the kilometres i had left and the time just to make sure i was still running as fast as i thought i was..
- at a water station.. i dropped the water cup too close and soaked my foot...
- people cheering said my name and i totally got startled and looked around to see if there was anyone around me. later to find out that i totally forgot that my bib had my name on it.
- my feet are numb... oh shit i think my blister from my flip flops has exploded and there is blood everywhere. why can't i feel my feet ? ...
The last marker I see is 18 kilometres, then I see a sign 1 mile to go.. that felt like the longest mile of my life. I knew roughly where the race ended but wasn't totally sure where the finish line was. I turn the corner to where I think I should be able to see the finish to only see orange cones and a sea of people lined up for miles...
My thoughts ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME... where the eff is the finish line. i didn't want to sprint just in case it was farther than I thought, I turned another corner and saw the finish line and the time displayed. Ran my little heart out and finish the half marathon at 1 hour 52 minutes and 48 seconds.
One of the best achievements I have accomplished in a very long time, and the best part I didn't feel any pain in my knee. I walked around like a drunk person, couldn't walk straight and all they were offering was chocolate milk.. ALL i want is water.
Kelly and I after the race, I am black. The goal was to only do one half marathon in my life to say I have done it because I was never much of a runner but here comes my competitive nature. I placed 48th out of 426 in the female under 24 category. I want to do better before I turn 25, this time maybe I will train properly.
Calves were rocks after the race, a bit of pins and needles feeling in my legs but ultimately the recovery wasn't too bad.
Overall, the experience was amazing and I plan on doing it again.
Next challenge.. a Sprint Triathlon. 750meter swim, 5 kilometre run and 20 kilometre bike.