Wannabe Olympic Weightlifter
lifting weights
my short desire to do an olympic weightlifting competition.
believe it or not, i use to hate the idea of going to the gym. i only started lifting weights because i started working at a gym and badly wanted my knee pain to go away. it slowly became a daily addiction where i had to exercise every day or my day did not feel complete.
i was exposed to olympic weightlifting in 2012, it came pretty naturally to me but i never practiced it regularly.
In May 2017, for some reason my interest for olympic lifting picked back up. i progressed quickly and i set a goal of competing once i was able to lift enough weight to be considered in the provincial level for my weight class, which was a total score of 122kg.
i never achieved that goal and i never competed, in any other circumstance i would be upset and would give myself a hard time for "failing" but i am okay with it because i am pretty damn proud of how close i got.
olympic weightlifting was hard on the body, and it took a lot of time and commitment. my heart just wasn't in it anymore when my body felt damaged/broken all the time and it affected my ability to do other things i loved. at this point, it just wasn't worth it.
Personal Best at body weight of 52-54kgs
- 53kg snatch
- 67kg clean and jerk
- 70kg jerk
i still lift here and there but it's not my main and only focus.
i do know, i can pick it back up if i ever wanted too.
and more importantly, i know
it’s okay to give up on your goal, if your heart is no longer in it.