Wannabe Yogi
i do yoga sometimes. i pretend to know what i am doing.
most of the time i just do what feels good but more often than not, i only do what pushes my limits.
learning that yoga is more than movement of the body.
it’s connecting movement with the mind.
i have been doing yoga for over 10 years, i started out doing only bikram hot yoga because it was the only type of yoga that was challenging enough to keep me engaged & intrigued. as i grew as a person, the more i was able to find the value and appreciate all types of yoga. it is no longer all about the physical challenge/workout but the mindfulness that comes along with it.
that being said, i still look for my adrenaline rush and pushing my limits with acroyoga and trying new things for the first time.
yoga at home
if you asked me a few years ago, i would have never believed that i would be doing yoga at home.
there are so many options online but when you connect with someone, there is no point in looking anymore.
just some of my favourites from Sarah Beth Yoga
“Remember the most important place your mind can be right now is right here, on your mat with your body. Everything else can wait. Our natural breath can teach us a lesson, the law of nature. The Law of nature is that everything that begins must end. Every inhale has its exhale. Even this posture will end. And it’s that much more important to be present because you only have this moment. When this moment ends, a new one will begin and that one will end. So whenever you find yourself in a really tough position. Remember that will end. Everything is temporary. If depression is living in the past, anxiety is living in the future, then true peace is found in the present.”
acro yoga
started exploring acro yoga in late 2016 with my best friend, attended a yoga workshop and met a experienced acro yogi who taught me a few tricks, and i have been hooked since.
my boyfriend and started playing in January 2018 and we mastered our first beginner acro yoga flow by Alo Moves with Dylan Werner & Ashley Galvin in four sessions.
we have no clue what we are doing but figuring it out together is all part of the challenge and fulfillment.
ariel yoga
will always try something at least once; ariel yoga for the first time in bali.