sleepy in whistler
sleepy in whistler
a quick work and personal trip up to squamish and whistler to do some things.
eat, walk, sleep, hot tub, nap, hike, and i guess do some work.
lost lake
killing time and trying to warm up after spending the morning freezing at the ice rink.
5km round trip from Whistler Village
approximate time 1.5 hours
multiple points to stop and enjoy the scenery, found myself at the dog friendly beach walking frosty and flurry learn how to swim
beautiful trail to go for a run or a leisure bike ride.
joffre lake
the second attempt, at least we didn’t get lost on the drive and were kind of prepared for the trail conditions. read about our attempt number one here.
630am wake up, 8am arrival.
1 hour drive from Whistler Village with no snacks, and no bear spray
3 hours round trip with a snow packed slippery trail with only hikers no spikes or snowshoes
10km round trip & 370m elevation gain
only 1 major bail and countless close calls
the outcome, no we did not see the famous blue water lake that everyone raves about. it was covered in snow.
the aftermath, more sore than we anticipated and were completely done for the rest of the day. we could only find the energy to eat and sleep.
third times the charm, so they say. we will see.
train wreck
the whistler train wreck, the morning where i had to find my comfort in front of a camera again while freezing my a** off.
6am wake up, 7am arrival.
10 minute drive from Whistler Village
2km round trip
approximately an hour
fairly flat
amazing spot for photos with the sun beaming through the trees and hitting the abandoned trains covered in graffiti art.
life is all about sharing good food with people you like and taking naps after.
mid afternoon snack of garlic fries at Garibaldi Lift Co. Bar & Grill
slow braised short ribs at 21 steps kitchen & bar
devoured a mountain of goodness at Peaked Pies
flatbread pizza, sunsets, rooftop patios at Pangea Pod Hotel
returned for some key lime phyllo dessert at 21 steps kitchen & bar
breakfast/ lunch / first meal of the day at Zephyr Cafe