the luckiest
the luckiest
i am forever grateful to the two people who raised this human, right here.
and to all the people in his life now, and in the past who have helped shape him to be who he is, today.
he made this day, just a little better by just being him.
he laughed with me
he encouraged me
he walked with me
he stayed with me
he supported me
he reminded me
he cried with me
he hurt with me
he loved me
he held me
he fed me
he took care of me
he loved my family like it was his own
he misses her just as much as i do
he knew exactly what to say
he did everything he could
he made me feel safe
he allowed me to feel
he gave me space
he empathized
he understood
he let me be
he listened
he said goodbye to her
he loved her
i am grateful that the two loves of my life got to fall in love with each other.
we are so lucky to have had one year and five months of memories together.